USHJA Rebrand


Old USHJA Logo


Equestrian sport, as a whole in modern day, has been known as an exclusionary discipline. In recent years, however, USHJA has implemented missions and resources that work towards more inclusive and accessible opportunities from educational programs to grants. In a world that has consistently left out voices, stories, and people as a whole, how can we as a company best reflect our growing community and availability of resources? While continuing to focus on bringing a spotlight to the hunter jumper disciplines, our design and branding should reflect our mission to welcome all riders and provide members with high quality and accessible resources. We are not a small brand of the early 2000s anymore, but a source for those interested in horses to learn on ground, in the saddle, compete, and find a community. Our identity must adapt to the new programs being created for a continuously growing audience.



The mark will be a dynamic mark with two symbols. The hero, pictured on the left, will be the same for each mark (except for the color). This way we have a unifying factor that is recognizable as the “mascot” of USHJA, but each symbol below this mark will specify which area of the company a specific program or sub-entity will be about/ reside in. This provides clarity and easier understanding of programs at first glance.



A silhouette of a ribbon, symbolic of competitions and awards


An eye can represent perception, intelligence, and transparency


An abstract mark of the act of giving; an offering an object to another


Blue, red, and yellow are representative of first, second, and third place ribbons respectively. The original brand had these colors, and I believe they were successful and recognizable colors for audiences in the horse world. Each color will be used in alignment with their respective section of the system: red for competition, blue for education, and yellow for grants.

Social media–mainly Instagram and Facebook–are some of USHJA’s most important facets for disseminating information to their users. It highlights grant and scholarship offers, important rule changes, and opportunities for education and showing. Because of this, text and information needs to be easy to read while also drawing the eye.